Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Land Down Under: Transition time...again.

I have struggled with what to call or name this blog post because let's face it, it contains some pretty crazy, unexpected and huge changes that have been taking place in my life. 

As most of you know I have been working with the School of Biblical Studies here in Taiwan for the past 3 years. God brought me here with a vision to be a part of this school and to develop my knowledge for the Word, my passion for God and to be transformed through it all. I have developed a love for Taiwan and many other nations living here. I know that I have grown and matured into more of the person God created me to be and I have come to see many of the areas I have been gifted in and many others that I have had the opportunity to grow in! There are so many of those name a few areas I feel that have grown or have been developed in me would look a bit like this: Teaching, Discipleship, Evangelism & Commitment. There is so many things I could say about my time here and I'm sure over the next few months I will be processing a lot of it on here. 

You might be wondering now why I am saying all of this... and I am about to tell you. 

I believe that God has used my time here in Taiwan to develop a heart and calling to pioneer a school in Australia called the Titus Project as well as partnering with the School of Biblical Studies there as they have a need for experienced staff to join them in critical areas. The SBS is a new plant in Australia, it's only on it's 2nd year there, but is growing so quickly, it's so awesome to see how God is working there. The Titus project is an outreach phase to the SBS, where graduates will then take the inductive method to teach to many church pastors, leaders, etc. into areas where bible training is very limited and needed. The main focus that Australia will have is on the south pacific islands. There is a need and request for Bible teachers to come teach in many of these islands. 

Anyways, there is so much more that I could say...and want to share with you all. But for now this blog's purpose is to ask for your prayers as I will be MOVING TO AUSTRALIA after this year in Taiwan finishes in December. This is going to be a hard transition for me to leave many amazing people and investments here in Taiwan but it's also a very exciting change that I am looking forward to with all my heart. 

Please write me if you have any questions, thoughts, etc. I would love to hear from each of you. Please be praying for me as I will be going to pioneer Titus this coming July ... but then will return to Taiwan for the rest of the year until SBS finishes up in December. I will go back to the States for around 5 months in between this transition to meet with my supporters & spend time with my Church who all invest so much in me! I am so grateful to have such incredible people a part of my life. Seriously blessed. 

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Chips & Salsa

Hey Friends,
Just wanted to give you a quick update on all the "haps" in my life right now! As you've probably noticed I have labeled this update "Chips & Salsa" ... well what many of you might not know is that Chips & Salsa are hard to come by where I live, except when you can get to the Costco which takes up about a whole day to go there, shop & come back so you always make sure and stock up every now and then or send a list with someone who is going! Recently I had someone pick me up some Chips & Salsa on their last trip to Costco and it has seriously added some much needed flavor to my life! I have grown up having this as a staple in my house and so when it takes a lot of time & effort to get it, you appreciate it EVEN more! I don't know there's just something about Chips & Salsa that adds a bit of comfort  to my life.

Now that I hopefully have your attention...
Recently I have been discussing the topic of contentment with some of my friends. It's really interesting to me that the longer I stay committed to something,  the more this idea of being "content" in life seems to rear it's ugly head. I have been thinking about some conversations I had with some people during my Christmas break back home, people I had a deep respect for, people who are older and more experienced than I am ... and how even in the midst of their lives, doing things they have long desired to do, there is still this void of not feeling content or fulfilled in life. The more I have thought about this and began to process it I realize that we were never meant to feel content or fulfilled on this earth ... we can only give God everything we have, and with that even our greatest gifts to him are filthy rags & offerings and all we have is a hope in him, a hope that says he will extend his mercy towards us each and every morning. We can only set our hope of fulfillment on the Son who is seated on the Throne, who reigns above all things. Eternity with HIM is the ultimate fulfillment.

While thinking about this, realizing we live in the "age of tension" ...I came to the realization that it doesn't matter what my age is, what I want to accomplish in my own life, what things I desire to have in life (marriage, kids, etc.) ... Why? Because I am created and called simply to follow the greatest commandment: To Love God and to Love my neighbor and that by doing those things I will have life.
How do I do this? By preaching and living out the Gospel. Obviously there are a lot of other things that fall under this, but it's simple really. As God's daughter am I living out this commandment? Am I loving him, serving him, obeying him with my entire heart? Am I serving & loving my neighbor by being Christ to them or by proclaiming the gospel to them?

I know God desires that I live this way, that I walk according to his will for my life and I desire to live a life of obedience to him. I know that as I walk with God in this way that His promises in my life are true and real and will come to pass in his ways and his timing. I can't expect to be fulfilled in this life. I have come to realize that I may end up not getting everything I hope for or desire or that I'll get to experience everything I want to in this life ... but what I can expect is that I have a place waiting for me in eternity with my Creator - because that is what has been promised to those who choose to believe in Christ and allow their identity to be shaped by Christ. Those who choose to walk in this commandment.

This is and will continue to be a challenge for me in life. I hope it also becomes a challenge for you in your own. Especially during the times where we feel the most discontent, that in those times we could learn how to truly live out this commandment given to us out of Love from our Father, our Father that knows what is the absolute best for each one of us.

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself .... do these things and you will live." [Luke 10.27-28b]