Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!!!

I love seeing how God is working so deep in each and every one of us. Last night a group of us had a worship and prayer time on my roof top here in DanShui, worshiping God for His incredible faithfulness in our lives. God is so overwhelming, he is so worthy of our lives. Our lives are but a breath, and that we can use those lives to give God our EVERYTHING, He is so worthy. Each one of our hearts were crying our for God to plant his dreams and desires deep within us for this next year, that we would follow after Him without ceasing. That our Spirits would be willing, even when our flesh is weak..why? because he is worthy.
As I look ahead to this new year I see a God that hears our prayers, a God that's love is so deep for his children he is reaching out for us just to take his hand. He is God who is my strength when I feel weak, a God full of mercy and grace when I fail and make mistakes. That I would have a WILLING heart this next year to do what he asks, that obedience would be deep within me, that no matter what I am facing that I would walk forward without hesitation because I see Him who I serve. That I would love AS my Father loves and I would love WHO my Father loves. I am believing God for big things in my life as I step into 2010, that is what I challenge you with as well, to believe that you can dream big and live out those things that He has planted so deep within your heart. His Glory Dwells within YOU! Find ways to practically walk out what he asks of you. I wish you all a Happy New Year, and pray that you would see God at work in your life.

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